What a joy it was to train 16 members of the Court Annexed Mediation Secretariat (CAM) together with some Judicial Staff as Professional Mediators through our 40-hr Professional Mediation training. The training happened on the 12-15 July, 2022 at the Milimani Law Courts, Nairobi.
“I have always wondered what happens in a Mediation room! I am so glad that I am now a Mediator and will be able to advise parties that have been sent for mediation from a point of knowledge and understanding.” Shared one of the participants.
“After going through the Mediation training, now I have confirmed that indeed Mediation works!” Expressed another participant.
One member of the CAM secretariat realized that being a mediator was not as easy as they had imagined; “After seeing the amount of patience required as a Mediator, I have found more respect for the work that mediators do.”
One of the best things that our Kenyan Judiciary has done is to embrace and promote Mediation as a key mechanism for conflict resolution! As the Judiciary continue to roll out Mediation in the different courts in Kenya, BPI is very honoured to make a contribution to their vision of social transformation through access to justice.