Bridges of Peace Initiatives

40-hour professional Mediation Training in Bomet County

Participants doing a mediation role play during the training in Bomet County

BPI wishes to congratulations the nine newly certified Professional Mediators in Bomet county trained on 30 May-3 June, 2022!!

The participants, who were a mix of different professional backgrounds, found the training very helpful and practical. “I thank God for the opportunity to be trained as a Mediator. I have been mediating without the necessary skills and knowledge. Now I have the skills and techniques to help people resolve their conflicts more effectively. This course has been a blessing to me.” Shared one of the participants.

One of the participants reflected on the training in a technological language; “I started the class with an old mediation operating system. Through the 40-hours, I have downloaded a few other applications and upgraded my mediation operating system” expressed the participant. While another one reflected on the training from a medical perspective; “Being a mediator is like being a mid-wife. The pregnancy is not yours, the baby is not yours and it is not your job to dictate on how the parents should care for the baby once born! Your work is to help deliver the baby and allow the parents of the baby to decide on how they want to care and parent the baby.”

Another participant was fascinated by the quality of the 40-hour mediation training. “It has been such a long time since I attended a training that was so meaningful in my life like this one.”

“I am leaving here feeling empowered as a mediator” said another one at the end of the training.

BPI is grateful to be making a contribution to the field of peace mediation. We are humbled that we are empowering people who can help many others to resolve their conflicts in a much more peaceful way!

The lead trainer for the training was Mediator Njeri Ndiangui supported by Mediator Edward Ondachi